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Social Media Marketing: A Great Way to Build Your Online Business

Social media marketing is all the rage these days. By actively using tools like Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace, you can create traffic for your online business, which is vital to increasing sales of your product or service. You will also get to interact with lots of folks who share common goals and interests, which can lead to forming profitable business relationships as well as making important personal contacts. But as with any form of marketing, there are some general guidelines that you need to follow in order to be successful.

First of all, you need to make a strong declaration of your identity. You need to let potential customers know who you are and what you're about. Some great ways to accomplish this are through "About Us" pages on your website or blog, and by creating an engaging profile on one of the social media sites. Next comes association-based interaction, which is where you begin to interact with customers. By using tools such as "Friends" on MySpace or social bookmarking, your customers will, in effect, be promoting your website or company, which is where social media marketing begins to pull in more customers for you.

At this point in the social media marketing process, user-initiated conversation allows your customers to ask you questions or make their own declarations, allowing you the opportunity to respond. In this way, you will have a chance to serve your customer and show them that you can take care of their needs. Their feedback is valuable, since it will let you know what you're doing right, as well as where there might be opportunities for improvement. The best way to engage in these conversations is through the use of message boards and online forums relating to your topic, like the ones that can be found on sites like Google Groups.

Then, by making use of provider-based conversations, you will ask your customers in a polite but direct way what they think about your product or service. This will allow you to take your business relationship a step further by building honest, direct dialogue. Finally, there is in-person interaction. If possible, go out and meet as many customers as you can whether by going to their place of business or by meeting them at a conference or trade show. By doing so, you will be cementing your relationship and possibly paving the way for new opportunities.
by Jean Klett
About the Author
Jean Klett is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business. For more information go to:

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